
Here is a working list of Jews who played in the minor and independent leagues but never appeared in a major-league game.


Players are listed in the decade in which they began their professional careers. Information includes position, years active, major-league affiliate, if any, and highest minor-league classification reached. (“Rk” indicates rookie league; “Ind” means independent league.)


Note that classifications have changed through the years. Class AAA was established in 1946, and the Pacific Coast League then switched from AAA to a newly created Open Class from 1952 to 1957. In 1963, classes B, C and D were eliminated and replaced by AA, A and rookie leagues.


Special thanks to Jewish Sports Review and Jewish Baseball News for identifying players since 1990.


If you have additions or corrections, please email us at info@jewishbaseballmuseum.com


— Bob Wechsler

1800s AMATEURS (before professional baseball)

Leonard G. Cohen — New York Gothams

J. Holtzman — Southern of New Orleans

Rudolph Kalish — Great Western of Cincinnati, Live Oak of Cincinnati

J. Levy — R.E. Club of New Orleans

Thomas Leavy — Empire Club of New York

Seaman Lichtenstein — New York Gothams

Boaz Pike — Exercises of Brooklyn


Emil Fuchs (1897) — (D) stats

Joe Katz, 1B/OF (1889-98, 1902) — (A) stats

Reuben Levy, OF (1881-85, 88-94, 96, 1900) stats


Jimmy Bertrand, P (1907-08) — (C) stats

Harry J. Cohen (1908-12)

Zeke Ferrias, RHP (1905-12, 1914) — (B) stats

Henry Goldy, 1B (1909-11) stats

Rube Levy, SS/2B (1909-13) — (AA) stats

Samuel Smith (Goldsmith), LHP (1907, 09-10, 12) — (A) stats

Paul “Twister” Steinberg, C (1901-02, 05) — (B) stats


Abe Bernstein, SS (1913) — (D) stats

Joe Bonowitz, OF (1918-36), OF — Tigers, Senators, Athletics, Cardinals (AA). 2,925 career hits stats

Julius Mack (1911) — (C) stats

James Mensor, OF (1919) — (B). Eddie Mensor’s brother stats

Albert “Dolly” Stark, 2B (1919-21) — (AA). National League umpire stats

P.B. White, LHP (1911) — (D) stats


Isey Bandrimer, INF (1920, 22-31) — (A) stats

Laz Bandrimer, 2B (1926-27) — (B) stats

Sam Hyman, LHP (1922-33, 46) — Dodgers, Yankees, Reds, Braves (AA) stats

Jake Levy, RHP/OF (1923, 25-31, 36-38, 41-46) — Pirates, Cubs (A) stats

Jack Mattes (Matusoff), P (1922-23) — Red Sox (A) stats

Sol Mishkin, 1B (1927-34, 43-48) — Cardinals, Indians, Yankees (AA) stats

Emil Moskowitz, RHP (1929, 31, 49-50) — Yankees (B) stats

Arthur Swartz, C (1925-26) — Sherwin Swartz’s father stats

Harry Topel, 1B (1922-30) — (AA) stats


Harry Bassin, 1B (1938-41) — Yankees, Athletics (AA) stats

Joe Berkowitz, INF (1932-40) — Red Sox (AA) stats

Ed Block (1937) — (D) stats

Myer Chozen, INF (1932-34, 37-43, 45) — Athletics, Cubs, Yankees (AA). Harry Chozen’s brother stats

Alex Clowson, 2B/1B (1935-41) — Indians, Red Sox, Dodgers, Pirates (C) stats

Arnold Cohen, OF (1935-42, 44-45) — Red Sox, Indians, Senators, Tigers, Yankees (AA) stats

Irving Cohen, RHP (1931-34, 36) — (AA) stats

Herman Fishman, LHP (1938-39) — Reds, Indians, Phillies (B) stats

Harold Gold, OF (1937-42) — Cardinals, Dodgers, Braves, Tigers (A) stats

Dick Goldberg, 1B (1931-41) — Cubs, Athletics, Pirates, Yankees, Phillies (AA) stats

Joe Goldfine, OF (1933-37, 39, 43) — Browns (D) stats

Dave Goodman, OF (1934-41) — Indians, Yankees, Senators, Athletics (AA) stats

Joseph Greenberg, 3B (1935-41) — Tigers (AA). Hank Greenberg’s brother stats

Jack Grossman, 3B/SS (1933-38, 40) — Red Sox, Pirates, Dodgers, White Sox (AA) stats

Danny Gurian, 1B (1935, 37) — Indians, Browns (D) stats

Lou Haneles, 1B/C (1936-38, 40, 46, 49) — Red Sox, Braves, Senators (A) stats

Maurice Jacobs, 2B/SS (1935-40) — Yankees, White Sox, Cubs (AA) stats

Sam Kravitz, 3B (1936-38) — Senators, Reds (D) stats

Len Levy, C (1936) — Pirates (B) stats

Richard Mittleman, OF (1935, 38) — Braves (A) stats

Harold “Lefty” Phillips, LHP (1939) — Cubs (D) stats

Leonard Pill, OF (1939-42, 48) — Indians, Dodgers, Yankees (B) stats

Rudy Serot, C (1937, 40-42) — Reds, Yankees, Cardinals (C) stats

Jim Smilgoff, C (1933-36) — Dodgers (A) stats

Herb Stein, INF (1939-42, 46-50) — Athletics, Giants, Senators, Yankees (A) stats

Sidney Weiss, 1B (1936-39, 41) — Reds, Cardinals, Senators, Indians, Braves, Dodgers (A) stats

Harry Yedor, RHP (1937) — Reds, Cardinals (D) stats


David Abramson, C (1947-51) — Cardinals, Giants (B) stats

Eliot Asinof, OF (1940-41) — Phillies (C) stats

Danny Bass, OF (1948-50) — Giants, Cardinals (D) stats

Lenny Bernstein, OF (1947, 49) — (D) stats

Morris Berkowitz (1947) — Yankees (D) stats

Irving “Pro” Boim, RHP (1947-54) — Pirates, White Sox, Tigers (A) stats

Seymour Boxer, RHP (1949-50, 53-55) — Braves (B) stats

Burton Boyer, OF (1941-42, 46-47) — Dodgers, Phillies, Yankees (AA) stats

Robert Chozen, SS (1942) — Athletics (C). Harry Chozen’s brother stats

Roy H. Clark, C (1941) — (D) stats

Jack Cohan, RHP (1947-50) — Cardinals (AA) stats

Alan Cohen, SS (1949-50, 1952-56) — Indians (A) stats

Herbert Cohen, RHP (1948-50) — Giants (D) stats

Frank Faudem, OF (1941-42) — Tigers (B) stats

Joseph Feinstein, LHP (1948-49) — Yankees (C) stats

Allie Feldman, RHP (1946, 48) — Dodgers, Browns (B) stats

Richard Foreman, 3B/SS (1948) — Phillies (D) stats

Joe Futernick, SS/2B (1944-45) — Giants (AA) stats

Merle Glasston, C (1947-50) — Dodgers, Cardinals

David Gold, C (1949-50) — Cardinals (C) stats

Max Goldsmith, C (1941-42, 46-48) — Cubs (B) stats

Hyman Goldstein (1940) — Senators (D) stats

Martin Goldstein, RHP (1941) — Yankees (D) stats

Sidney Goldstein, RHP (1940-43) — Yankees, Tigers, Athletics, Pirates (AA) stats

Sheldon Greenberg, P (1946) — Giants (D) stats

Hal Grossman, 2B/3B (1941-42) — Pirates (D) stats

Bob Harrison, OF (1940-42) — (AA) stats

Melvin Heiman, RHP (1941, 45) — Dodgers, Giants (AA) stats

Harry Heller, 2B (1940-42) — Indians, Cubs (B) stats

Solomon Israel, OF (1946-52) — Yankees, Indians (A) stats

David Jaffee, LHP (1946) — Cardinals (D) stats

Harry Katz, 1B (1947-49) — Tigers (D) stats

Kermit Kitman, 1B (1944-46, 48) — Dodgers (AA) stats

Stu Komer, C (1945-49) — Browns (AA) stats

Louis Kramberg, 1B (1947, 51-52) — Giants, Athletics, Phillies (C) stats

Joseph Kratzer, C (1943-52) — Pirates, Athletics, Indians (AA) stats

Joseph Kronberg, SS/3B (1942, 46-48, 50) — Pirates, Browns, Indians (B) stats

Stan Landes, RHP (1946) — (C) National League umpire stats

Arnold Lehrman, SS (1944-45) — (AA) stats

Marvin Leib, 1B (1948-49) — Dodgers (C) stats

Harold Nitowitz, 2B (1949) — (D) stats

Harry Ornest, 2B (1942, 1945) — (A) Pirates stats

Aaron Osofsky, RHP (1945, 47-52) — Cubs (B) stats

Robert Palash, RHP (1948-50) — Athletics (A) stats

Max Patkin, RHP (1941-42, 46) — White Sox, Indians (A) stats

George Patrick, RHP (1949-51) — Cardinals

Dan Perlmutter, 1B (1947-49, 51) — Indians (AAA) stats

Harry Petty, RHP (1940, 42-46, 48-49) — Athletics, Braves, Dodgers (A)

Bernard Pollack, P (1946) — Giants (D) stats

Milt Rosenstein, LHP (1941) — (D) stats

David Rothman, RHP (1949-50) — Cubs, Reds (B) stats

Lester Rothman, 1B (1945) — Yankees (B) stats

Hal Saltzman, RHP (1948-50) — Indians (AAA) stats

Albert Shapiro, 2B/LHP (1942-43, 46) — Pirates, Indians, Phillies, Yankees (A) stats

Hilton Shapiro, OF (1949) — Senators (C) stats

Ernest Sills (Aaron Silverman), RHP (1944, 46-52) — Senators, Tigers, Athletics, Browns (AAA) stats

Sanford Silverstein, RHP (1948-51) — Athletics, Cardinals (AAA) stats

Jack Tieman, P (1947) — Cardinals (D) stats

Rowe Wallerstein, LHP (1945, 47-51) — White Sox, Dodgers (B) stats

Milton Weintraub, INF (1941, 45-48) — Browns, Braves, Dodgers (AAA) stats

Murray Weiss, SS (1946-48) — White Sox (C) stats

Stanford Wolfson, 3B/RHP (1941-42) — Cardinals (D) stats

Alfred Zigelman, C (1941-42, 46-47, 49) — Dodgers (C) stats


James Abdella, 1B (1959-61) — Indians, Twins (B) stats

Ervin Armin, LHP (1951-53) — Cardinals (C) stats

Seymour Bonem, OF/LHP (1958-59) — Cardinals (C) stats

Jerome Brier (1953) — Cardinals (D) stats

Sheldon Brodsky, 3B (1955-62) — Dodgers (AAA) stats

Hal Charnofsky, INF (1952-54, 56-60) — Yankees (AAA) stats

Stan Charnofsky, 2B (1952-54, 56-58, 60) — Yankees, Dodgers, Tigers (AA) stats

Harlan Cohen, RHP (1953) — (C) stats

Harvey Cohen, RHP (1954-61) — Cardinals, Orioles, Tigers (AAA) stats

Jack Cohen, RHP (1951, 54-57) — Indians, Giants, Dodgers (B) stats

Marvin Cohen, INF (1950) — Senators (D) stats

Jacob Edelstein, 1B (1952, 55) — Dodgers (B) stats

Jack Elias, 3B/SS (1954-56) — Giants (B) stats

Morton Epstein, OF (1952-53) — Giants, Cardinals (D) stats

Nathan Feldman, LHP (1951-52) — Yankees (C) stats

Aaron Fenster, C (1952-54) — Browns/Orioles (B) stats

Herbert Fleischer, LHP (1951, 53) — Browns, Pirates (C) stats

Richard “Hap” Foreman, 3B/SS (1958) — Phillies (D) stats

Harvey Frankel, RHP (1955) — (D) stats

Shelly Friedland, OF (1955) — (D) stats

Howard Gershberg, SS (1955-56) — Dodgers, Giants (D) stats

Herbie Gilbert, 3B (1952-53, 56-57) — Cubs, Pirates, White Sox (A). Mark Gilbert’s father stats

Sidney Goldfader, C (1956-59) — Braves (A) stats

Michael Goodman, OF (1958) — Athletics (D-) stats

Stanford Grossman, C (1950-52, 55-56) — Browns, Giants (A) stats

Murray Guttman, RHP (1957-59) — Reds, White Sox, Phillies (A) stats

Robert Hurvitz, C/RHP (1956-59) — Dodgers (A) stats

Herbert Isaacson, LHP (1954) — Tigers (C) stats

Robert Jacobson, OF (1957-59) — Athletics (D) stats

Howard Kaplan, P, (1955) — Cardinals (D) stats

Irving Kimberg, SS (1952, 54) — Giants (D) stats

Ronald Lachman, INF (1955) — Orioles, Pirates (C) stats

Jack Langer, SS/3B (1955-58) — Dodgers (C) stats

Vic Lapiner, RHP (1956, 59) — Indians, Athletics (A) stats

Kenneth Lenhoff, C (1957-58) — Braves (D) stats

Maurice Lerner, 2B/3B (1954, 57-63) — Senators, Braves, Pirates, Twins (AA) stats

Jack Levitt, SS/2B (1951-52) — Indians (D) stats

Gerald Mason, OF/1B (1955, 58-62) — Braves, Cardinals, Athletics (AAA) stats

Robert Merlob, LHP (1956-58) — Tigers, Giants, Reds (A) stats

Maurice Mirman, 2B (1953) — Cubs (C) stats

David Oliphant, RHP/1B/OF (1953-58) — Yankees, Orioles, Dodgers (A) stats

Stanley Pekor, C (1953) — (B) stats

Edmund Pepper, 1B (1959) — Cubs (D) stats

Eddie Picker, LHP (1955-58) — Dodgers, Athletics (A) stats

Burke Probitsky, OF (1952, 55) — Giants, Pirates (D) stats

Stanley Rosenzweig, INF (1951, 54-56) — Yankees, Phillies (A) stats

Marvin Rubin, LHP (1952-54) — (B) stats

Bernard Schreiber, 2B/SS (1956, 58-59) — Yankees (A) stats

Melvin Seiden, OF (1959) — Senators (D) stats

Herb Shankman, LHP (1951-52, 54-56) — Braves (AA) stats

Lou Shapiro, RHP (1950) — (C) stats

George Sherry, P (1951) — Pirates (D). Larry and Norm Sherry’s brother stats

Burton Smith, LHP (1953-55) — Braves, Cubs (AAA) stats

Marty Stabiner, LHP (1956-60) — Dodgers (AAA) stats

Neil Summers, LHP (1959-61) — Yankees (B) stats

Burton Tompkins, C (1951) — Cubs (D) stats

Norman Wielansky, RHP (1950-51, 54) — Browns/Orioles (B) stats

James Wexler, RHP (1955-57) — Yankees, Dodgers (A) stats

William Winn, LHP (1951-52) — Braves (B) stats

Cedric Wolfman, RHP (1954-56) — Pirates, Giants (C) stats


Mickey Abarbanel, LHP (1965-69) — White Sox (AAA) stats

Louis Abrahams, OF (1961-64) — Senators (A) stats

Sheldon Andrens, OF (1967-70, 74) — Reds (AA) stats

Jerry Bark, LHP (1965-68) — Mets, Cardinals (A). Brian Bark’s father stats

Randy Cohen, RHP (1968-72) — Orioles, Dodgers, Giants (AA) stats

Jerry Feldman, 1B (1968-73) — Angels (AAA) stats

Alan Feldstein, 2B/3B (1962-65) — Cardinals, Mets (A) stats

Steven Fox, 1B (1964-5, 67, 69) — Cubs, Dodgers, Giants (A) stats

Kenneth Fruchter, 1B (1961-63) — Cubs (AA) stats

Bruce Gardner, LHP (1960-64) — Dodgers (AAA) stats

Morton Gelber, OF (1961) — Braves (D) stats

Al Goldis, OF (1963-64) — Reds, Athletics (A) stats

Alan Goldfield, LHP (1962-65) — Astros (A) stats

Michael Gordon, C (1964-66) — Cardinals (A). Sid Gordon’s son stats

William Granok, RHP (1961-64) — Dodgers, Pirates (A) stats

Stanley Haptor, OF/INF/LHP (1960-62) — Yankees (B) stats

Michael Herson, RHP (1968-73) — Orioles, Brewers (AAA) stats

Bob Holtzman, RHP (1968-69) — Cardinals (A). Ken Holtzman’s brother stats

Richie Jordan, OF (1969) — Pirates (Rk) stats

Robert Joseph, LHP (1963) — Reds (A) stats

Joel Kelfer, INF (1961-63) — Astros (A) stats

Howie Kitt, LHP (1961-65) — Yankees (AAA) stats

Steven Kolinsky, 1B (1964-71) — Phillies, Red Sox (AA) stats

Ron Kotick, RHP (1963-69) — Orioles, Angels, Pilots (AA) stats

Ernest “Kit” Krieger (1968) — Athletics (AAA) stats

Henry Lehwald, C (1962) — Twins (A) stats

Barry Levinson, 2B/SS (1961-65) — Indians (AA) stats

Mike Minster, C (1966-74) — Mets, Twins, Angels, Giants (AAA) stats

William Pollack, RHP (1960-62) — Senators/Twins (D) stats

Richie Richman, 1B (1963-64) — Phillies (A) stats

Les Roos, 2B/SS (1968-70) — Royals (AAA) stats

Stephen Silverman, RHP (1964-65) — Dodgers, Mets (A) stats


Michael Aronson, RHP (1972-75) — Mets (A) stats

Bruce Baranick, RHP (1973-74) — Athletics (AA) stats

Kenneth Berger, OF (1974-79) — Phillies, Twins (AA) stats

Steve Blomberg, OF (1972-76) — Royals, Pirates (AA) stats

Kenneth Feinberg, 1B (1977-79) — Giants (A) stats

Marty Friedman, OF (1973-78) — Angels, Indians (AAA) stats

Stephen Gelfarb, 1B (1979-82) — Athletics (AAA) stats

Barry Glabman, SS (1975-76) — Indians, Astros (A) stats

Tony Glassman, LHP/OF (1971-72) — Padres, Mets (A) stats

Larry Goldetsky, INF (1975-82) — Expos (AAA) stats

Steve Greenberg, 1B/3B (1970-74) — Senators/Rangers (AAA). Hank Greenberg’s son stats

Monroe Greenfield, RHP (1974-79) — Giants, Athletics (AAA) stats

Stuart Greenstein, OF (1976-77) — Mets (A) stats

John Klitsner, 1B/OF (1970-74) — Red Sox, Twins (AA) stats

Marty Maier, INF (1974-75) — Royals, Yankees (AA) stats

Mike Ornest, 3B (1975-77) — Orioles (A) stats

Al Osofsky, OF (1975-76) — Astros (A) stats

Jeff Pinkus, RHP (1975-78) — Pirates (A) stats

Martin Rubinoff (1974) — Giants (A) stats

Robert “Mark” Schuster, 1B (1977-85) — Mariners, Brewers, Giants (AAA) stats

Rick Seid, C/1B (1976-78) — (A) stats

Robert Silverman, OF (1978-81) — Blue Jays (AA) stats

Jack Singer, INF (1965-67) — Cardinals (AA) stats

Barry Weinberg, OF (1977) — Pirates (AA) stats

Rick Wolff, 2B-3B (1973-74, 1989) — Tigers, White Sox (A) stats


George Alpert, OF (1981-83) — Indians (A) stats

Dave Amaro, 1B (1984) — Cubs (A). Ruben Amaro Jr.’s brother stats

Alan Ashkinazy, 2B (1984-86) — Red Sox (A) stats

Randy Berlin, INF (1988-91, 95, 97) — Cardinals, Orioles (AA) stats

Rob M. Blumberg, LHP (1989-92) — Blue Jays, Orioles (AA) stats

Jeff Bonchek, 3B/1B (1988-89) — Indians (A) stats

Erez Borowsky, C (1982-85) — Twins (AA) stats

Russ Brahms, LHP (1981-84) — Cubs, Giants (AA) stats

Tonny Cohen, RHP (1987-88) — Pirates (A) stats

Jody “Jason” Friedman, 1B/LF (1989-96, 2001) — Red Sox, Orioles, Mariners (AAA) stats

Brian Golden, RHP (1988-90, 95-96) — Cardinals (A) stats

Jim Goldman, RHP/SS/OF (1985) — (Rk) stats

Ike Goldstein, C (1986-87) — Twins (A) stats

Marc Heyison, 3B (1983-84) — Orioles (A) stats

Ed Horowitz, C/1B (1989-92) — Orioles, Padres (AA) stats

Gary Klein, RHP (1983-84) — Royals (A) stats

Aaron Krause, RHP (1984) — Expos (Rk) stats

Marc Lipson, RHP (1989-92) — Twins (AA) stats

Paul “Lou” List, OF (1987, 89-96) — Angels, Athletics, Mariners, Pirates, Rangers, Rockies (AAA) stats

Jeff Ludwig, RHP (1989) — Cubs (A) stats

Howie Manzon, OF (1985-86) — Twins (A) stats

Maury Ornest, OF/3B (1980-82) — Brewers (A) stats

Mike Pomeranz, LHP (1988-90, 1992) — Twins, Pirates, Orioles (A+) stats

Howard Prager, 1B (1989-95) — Astros, Cardinals (AAA) stats

Larry Schwartz, LHP (1985-86) — Reds (A) stats

Bruce Seid, 2B/3B (1980-81) — Cubs (A) stats

Al Silverstein, RHP (1987-90) — Blue Jays (A+) stats

Neil Simons, OF/1B (1980-83) — Astros, Yankees (AA) stats

Dan Simonds, C (1987-91) — Orioles, Cubs (AAA) stats

Mike Solomon, OF (1984) — Mariners (A) stats

Alan Sontag, RHP (1984-88, 91-92, 95-2002) — Twins, Cardinals, Angels (AAA) stats

David Steinberg, RHP (1983) — Twins (A) stats

Adam Terris, 1B (1989-90) — Expos (A+) stats

Mike Urman, C/1B (1987-89) — Braves (A) stats

Jeff Weiss, OF (1986-87) — Braves (A) stats


Scott Albin, RHP (1999-2002) — Expos (AA) stats

Matt Altagen, OF (1998-99) — Tigers (Rk) stats

Steve Arffa, LHP (1994-96) — Mets (AA) stats

Denny Bair, RHP (1995-96, 1999-2003, 08) — Cubs (A+) stats

Jeffrey Blitstein, RHP (1999-2000, 05-08) — Astros (A) stats

Danny Buxbaum, 1B (1995-1998) — Angels (AAA) stats

Dan Cey, 2B/SS (1996-2000) — Twins (AAA) stats

John Cohen, OF/1B (1991-92) — Twins (A+) stats

Jason Crews, RHP (1996-99) — Diamondbacks (AA) stats

Ian Epstein, LHP (1994-95) — Athletics (A) stats

Leon Feingold, RHP (1994-95) — Indians (Rk) stats

Dave Feuerstein, OF (1995-99) — Rockies (AA) stats

Gavin Fingleson, INF (1999-01, 2004) — (Ind) stats

Joel Garber, LHP (1995-96) — White Sox (A) stats

Eric Genden, 1B (1993-94) — Marlins (Rk) stats

Ron Gerstein, LHP (1990-96) — Expos, Brewers (AA) stats

Josh Goldfield, C/OF (1999-2003) — Diamondbacks, Indians (A+) stats

Jason Halper, OF (1997) — Yankees (A) stats

Scott Hunter, OF/3B (1994-2003) — Dodgers, Mets, Expos, Indians, Orioles (AAA) stats

Brad Kantor, 3B/2B (1991-93) — Indians (A) stats

Glenn Katz, OF (1999) — Rays (A) stats

Jason Katz, 2B/OF/SS (1996-98) — Braves (AA) stats

Stacy Kleiner, C/2B/3B (1996-99) — Cardinals (AA) stats

Josh Levey, RHP (1997-99) — Cardinals (A) stats

Jeff Light, RHP (1991) — Athletics (Rk) stats

Brett Mandel, INF (1994) — (Rk) stats

Andrew Margolick, LHP (1996) — (Ind) stats

Justin Martin, OF/2B/3B (1999-2001) — Pirates (AA) stats

Ryan Moskau, LHP (1998-2001) — Dodgers, Marlins (AA) stats

John Myrow, OF (1993-96) — Rockies (AA) stats

Adam Neubart, OF (1998-2001) — Diamondbacks, Royals (AA) stats

Garrett Neubart, OF (1995-99) — Rockies, Mets (AAA) stats

John Novak, RHP (1999) — Rangers (A) stats

Dave Pearlman, RHP (1991-93) — Blue Jays (A) stats

Jeff Pickler, 2B/OF (1998-2005) — Brewers, Rangers, Rockies (AAA) stats

John Powers, 2B/3B/OF (1996-98, 2000-03) — Padres, Cubs, Rangers (AAA) stats

T.J. Rosenfeld, 1B/OF (1992-95) — (Ind)

Jeff Saffer, 1B/OF (1995-97) — Yankees (A) stats

Jon Saffer, OF (1992-98) — Expos (AAA) stats

Jon Schaeffer, C/1B (1997-2000) — Twins, Athletics (AA) stats

Jim Schifman, OF (1990) — (Rk) stats

Tony Schrager, INF (1998-2006) — Cubs, Red Sox, Dodgers, Marlins (AAA) stats

Adam Schulhofer, RHP (1992-93) — Cubs (A) stats

Justin Siegel, LHP (1996-98) — Rangers (A) stats

Cam Smith, RHP (1993-2006) — Tigers, Padres, Mariners, Dodgers, Reds, Rays (AAA) stats

Dave Solomon, LHP (1994-96) — Reds (A+) stats

Steve Solomon, OF (1992-96) — Phillies (AA) stats

Ethan Stein, RHP (1996-98, 2000) — Royals (A+) stats

Wayne Stofsky, OF (1990) — (Ind) stats

David Waco, INF (1993-95) — Phillies (AA) stats

H. Hamilton “Hawkeye” Wayne, RHP (1999-2002) — Mariners (A) stats

Todd Weinberg, LHP (1994-97, 99) — Athletics (AA) stats

Marc Weiss, RHP (1994-95) — Reds (A) stats

Scott Weiss, RHP (1991-92) — Cubs (AA) stats

Larry Winawer, RHP (1991, 93) — Brewers (Rk) stats

Joel Wolfe, 1B/OF (1991-96) — Athletics, Cardinals (AAA) stats

Mike Zimmerman, RHP/CF (1991-99) — Pirates, Marlins, Mariners, Royals (AAA) stats

Ivan Zweig, RHP (1995, 97) — (Ind) stats

2000 to 2004

Joe Apotheker, OF (2002-03) — Marlins (A) stats

Phil Avlas, C/OF (2002-10) — Diamondbacks (AAA) stats

Brian Baron, OF (2001-05) — Twins (AA) stats

Greg Belson, RHP (2000-02, 04-05) — Diamondbacks, Mets (A) stats

Scott Berney, RHP/OF (2000-02) — Rockies (A) stats

Brian Bormaster, C (2004-07) — Blue Jays (AAA) stats

Woody Cliffords, OF (2001-05) — Orioles (AAA) stats

Scot Drucker, RHP (2004-06, 2008-11) — Athletics, Tigers (AAA) stats

Jake Epstein, 1B/3B (2000) — Angels (Rk) stats

Darren Fenster, INF (2000-04) — Royals (AA) stats

Coogie Freedman, RHP (2004-07) — (Ind) stats

Drew Friedberg, LHP (2001-02, 04) — Pirates, Athletics (A) stats

Zach Gordon, INF (2002) — (Ind) stats

Cody Haerther, OF (2003-09) — Cardinals, Blue Jays (AAA) stats

Josh Harris, 2B/SS (2001) — Cubs (A) stats

Das Jesson, 3B/1B/SS (2004-05) — Cardinals (Rk) stats

Dan Kantrowitz, SS (2001) — Cardinals (Rk)

Jonny Kaplan, OF (2003-14) — Diamondbacks, Cardinals (A+) stats

Damon Katz, INF (2000-01) — Indians (A+) stats

Jason Kosow, RHP (2004) — Cubs (A) stats

Ben Krantz, RHP (2003-04) — Diamondbacks (Rk) stats

Josh Lamberg, C (2000, 02-03) — (Ind) stats

Adam Leavitt, INF (2004-06) — (Ind) stats

Mike Levy, C (2001) — Cardinals (Rk) stats

Carl Loadenthal, OF (2003-10) — Braves, Mets (AAA) stats

Billy Lockin, INF (2004-05) — Diamondbacks (A) stats

Greg Lovelady, C (2001) — Marlins (A) stats

Sean Martin, RHP (2003-05) — Giants (A+) stats

Greg Miller, OF (2001-03) — Braves (AA) stats

Steve Moss, OF (2002-14) — Brewers, Mariners (AAA) stats

Yaron Peters, 1B (2002-03) — Braves (A) stats

Mike Reiss, RHP (2002) — Braves (Rk) stats

Steve Reiss, RHP (2002) — Braves (Rk) stats

Aaron Rifkin, 1B (2001-07) — Yankees, Mariners, Rockies (AAA) stats

Brian Rose, C (2003-05) — Diamondbacks (A+) stats

Ben Rosenthal, C/OF (2003-06) — Cardinals (A+) stats

Darren Sack, RHP (2004-08) — Giants (AA) stats

Dan Saken, RHP (2003) — (Ind) stats

Ben Scheinbaum, LHP (2004) — Yankees (A) stats

Scott B. Schneider, RHP (2000-01, 03-06, 08) — Angels (AAA) stats

Zach Smithlin, OF/2B (2003-10) — Cardinals (A) stats

Todd Stein, LHP (2004-06) — Diamondbacks (A) stats

Jeremy Sugarman, RHP (2003-06) — Reds (A+) stats

Adam Unger, 2B/SS/OF (2003) — Yankees (Rk) stats

Jake Wald, SS/2B/OF (2002-10) — Giants, Diamondbacks (AAA) stats

Dave Wolensky, RHP (2000-03, 05) — Angels (A+) stats

Stephen Yeager Jr., C/OF (2001-02) — (Ind). Steve Yeager’s son stats

2005 to 2009

Greg Acheatel, RHP (2006-07) — Dodgers (Rk) stats

Adam Amar, 1B (2007-10) — Blue Jays, Nationals (A) stats

John Anderson, LHP (2008-09, 11-active) — Blue Jays (AAA) stats

Jason Appel, OF (2008) — Rays (A) stats

Josh Appell, LHP (2005-08) — Mets, Astros (A+) stats

Adam Balkan, OF (2006-07) — (Ind) stats

Eric Berger, LHP (2008-15) — Indians, Astros, Athletics, Braves (AAA) stats

Rafael Bergstrom, RHP/1B/CF (2007-08) — (Ind) stats

Dan Berlind, RHP (2007-12) — Twins, Cubs (AAA) stats

Justin Blaine, LHP (2005-07) — Phillies (A) stats

Rob Blumberg, RHP (2006) — (Ind) stats

Steve Braun, 2B/OF (2008-10) — Brewers (A+). Ryan Braun’s brother stats

Mike Brownstein, INF (2009, 11-12) — Brewers (AA) stats

Jared Clark, OF (2009-13) — Rockies (A+) stats

Brandon Cohen, 1B/OF (2007-10) — (Ind) stats

Gabe Cohen, OF (2009-11) — Rays (A+) stats

Charlie Cutler, C/1B/OF (2008-16) — Cardinals, Pirates, Cubs, Angels (AAA) stats

Ben Einbinder, 3B (2008) — (Ind) stats

Michael Eisenberg, RHP (2006-08) — Indians (A) stats

Seth Epstein, LHP (2006) — Athletics (Rk) stats

Danny Etkin, C (2009) — (Ind) stats

Josh Farkes, OF (2007-08) — (Ind) stats

Zak Farkes, 3B/C/1B (2005-09) — Red Sox (A+) stats

Jon Fixler, C (2007-11) — Astros (AAA) stats

Alex Froloff, OF (2006-07) — (Ind) stats

Blake Gailen, OF (2007-21) — Dodgers, Blue Jays, Angels (AAA) stats

Jason Glushon, RHP (2007-09) — Athletics (AAA) stats

Adam Gold, RHP (2005-06) — Padres (A) stats

Zach Goldberg, C/OF (2007-09) — (Ind) stats

Bradley Goldsmith, OF (2008-10) — (Ind) stats

Casey Gordon, SS/2B (2006-09) — (Ind) stats

Ben Guez, OF (2008-16) — Tigers, Brewers (AAA) stats

Casey Haerther, 1B/3B (2009-15) — Angels (AA) stats

Daniel Heller, OF/1B (2007-08) — Orioles (Rk) stats

Tyler Herron, RHP (2005-10, 12-21) — Cardinals, Pirates, Nationals, Mets (AAA) stats

Ari Kafka, RHP (2005-07) — Mariners (A) stats

Aaron Kalb, RHP/OF (2007, 09-11) — (Ind) stats

Adam Kam, 1B (2009, 12-15) — Marlins (Rk) stats

Matt Kamine, LHP (2009) — (Ind) stats

Jeff Kaplan, RHP (2008-13) — Mets (AA) stats

Ethan Katz, RHP (2005-09) — Rockies (A) stats

Zachary Kayne, SS/2B (2009-10) — White Sox (A+) stats

Derek Kinzler, 2B/3B (2006-11) — Rockies (A) stats

Adam Klein, OF (2007-13) — Athletics (AA) stats

Paul-Michael Klingsberg, 1B (2009) — Twins (Rk) stats

Jason Knapp, RHP (2008-10, 14) — Phillies, Indians, Rangers (A) stats

Tyler Kolodny, 3B/1B/OF (2007-13) — Orioles (A+) stats

David Kopp, RHP (2007-14) — Cardinals, Tigers (AAA) stats

Matt Kramer, C/1B/RHP (2008-11) — Braves, Red Sox (A) stats

Matthew Kutler, OF (2005-06) — Marlins (A) stats

Jon Lewis, RHP (2005, 07-09) — Marlins (A) stats

David Lipson, RHP (2005-07) — (Ind) stats

Brett Lorin, RHP (2008-14) — Mariners, Pirates, Diamondbacks (AAA) stats

Aaron Lowenstein, C (2008-11) — Giants (AAA) stats

Adam Mandel, 2B/OF (2005-06) — (Ind) stats

Eric Mesa, INF (2006) — White Sox (A) stats

Lee Mezistrano, OF (2005-06) — (Ind) stats

Justin Milo, OF (2009-10) — Yankees (A) stats

Matt Mindick, OF (2008) — (Ind) stats

Kevin Moscatel, C (2008-11, 13-14) — Cardinals (A+) stats

Jason Novak, RHP (2009-10) — Cardinals (A) stats

Ben Orloff,  INF (2009-13) — Astros (AA) stats

Zach Penprase, SS/2B/OF (2008-15, 21) — Red Sox (A) stats

Jim Rapoport, OF (2006-12) — Cardinals (AAA) stats

Avi Rasowsky, LHP (2005-07) — Marlins (A+) stats

Bryan Resnick, 2B (2009) — (Ind) stats

Daniel Rosenbaum, LHP (2009-15) — Nationals, Red Sox (AAA) stats

Brad Rosenblat, OF (2005-06) — (Ind) stats

Brendan Rubenstein, 2B/SS (2007-08) — (Ind) stats

Lee Rubin, C (2007-11) — (Ind) stats

David Rubinstein, OF (2008-11) — Pirates (A+) stats

Marc Sawyer, 1B (2007) — Cubs (A) stats

Scott E. Schneider, RHP (2009-12) — Cardinals (AA) stats

Dan Schwartz, LHP (2007) — (Ind) stats

Justin Segal, RHP/OF (2007-11) — Yankees (A) stats

Bryan Silverman, C/OF (2008-10) — (Ind) stats

Evan Sobel, INF (2006-07) — (Ind) stats

Pete Soskin, LHP (2005) — (Ind) stats

Mauricio Tabachnik, RHP (2008-12) — Padres (A) stats

Austin Wasserman, OF/3B/SS (2006-07) — (Ind) stats

Aric Weinberg, OF (2009, 11-12) — (Ind) stats

David Weiner, OF (2005) — (Ind) stats

Robbie Widlansky, 1B/OF (2007-14) — Orioles, Angels (AAA) stats

Benjamin Zeskind, OF (2006-07) — Blue Jays (A) stats

2010 to 2014

Andrew Aizenstadt, RHP (2012-15) — Phillies (A+) stats

Corey Baker, RHP (2011-17) — Cardinals (AAA) stats

Josh Band, 2B (2013-14) — (Ind) stats

Julian Barzilli, 3B (2014) — Cardinals (Rk) stats

Andrew Berger, RHP (2010-12) — Diamondbacks, Giants (AAA) stats

Eric Berkowitz, RHP (2010, 13-14) — (Ind) stats

Ed Bernstein, RHP (2012) — (Ind) stats

Sean Bierman, LHP (2012-15, 17-18) — Rays, Braves, White Sox, Orioles (AA) stats

Jacob Booden, RHP (2012-14) — Cardinals (A+) stats

Zach Borenstein, OF (2011-20) — Dodgers, Diamondbacks, Angels, Mets, Cubs (AAA) stats

Steve Bralver, OF/1B (2010) — (Ind) stats

Aaron Brill, INF (2014-20) — (Ind) stats

Michael Broad, SS/2B/OF (1914-15) — (Ind) stats

Jake Chaplin, 1B (2012-13) — Dodgers (Rk) stats

William Chapman, OF (2013-15) — (Ind) stats

Andrew Cohn, INF (2012-13) — (Ind) stats

David Colvin, RHP (2011-14) — Mariners (AA) stats

Scott DeCecco, LHP (2012-15) — Mariners (AA) stats

Adam Ehrlich, C (2011-19) — Cardinals (A+) stats

Jon Eisen, 2B/OF (2013-14) — (Ind) stats

Scott Elitzky, LHP (2013) — (Ind) stats

Mike Fagan, LHP (2014-16) — Athletics (A) stats

Matt Fleishman, OF (2012-13) — (Ind) stats

Adam Gabel, LHP (2011, 13) — (Ind) stats

Jason Ganek, 1B/RHP (2012-13) — (Ind) stats

Mitch Glasser, 2B/3B/OF (2013-21) — White Sox (Rk) stats

Jeremy Gould, LHP (2010-12) — Mets (A) stats

Sam Greenberg, 2B (2013) — (Ind). Adam Greenberg’s brother stats

Alec Grosser, RHP (2013-16) — Braves (A) stats

Ross Gusky, RHP/OF (2011-12) — (Ind) stats

Sean Harrell, OF (2011-12) — (Ind) stats

Henry Hirsch, RHP (2013-17) — Pirates (AA) stats

Nate Irving, C (2014-18) — Diamondbacks (A) stats

Adam Jacobs, C (2012) — (Ind) stats

Eric Jaffe, RHP (2012-13, 15) — White Sox (Rk) stats

Cory Jones, RHP (2012-14, 16-19) — Cardinals, Orioles (A+) stats

Ian Kadish, RHP (2011-14) — Blue Jays (A) stats

Alex Kaminsky, RHP (2010-14) — Indians (AA) stats

Jacob Kapstein, 1B/OF (2012-15) — Tigers (A) stats

Zach Kapstein, OF/C (2010-16) — Red Sox, Orioles (A) stats

Mason Katz, 2B/C/1B (2013-17) — Cardinals (AA) stats

Eric Katzman, LHP (2011-12, 14) — (Ind) stats

Ryan Kiel, LHP (2010-12) — Mariners, Reds (A+) stats

Sam Kimmel, OF/C (2012-14) — Orioles (A+) stats

Ryan Kinsella, 1B (2013) — Diamondbacks (A) stats

Evan Kirsch, RHP (2014) — (Ind) stats

Justin Klipp, RHP (2013-15) — (Ind) stats

Will Krasne, RHP (2011-12) — Indians (A) stats

Jared Lakind, LHP/1B/OF (2013-21) — Pirates, Marlins (AA) stats

Adam Landecker, 3B/1B (2013-14) — Pirates (A) stats

Ryan Lashley, INF (2011-18) — (Ind) stats

Dave Laufer, RHP (2011) — Rays (A) stats

Jake Lemmerman, INF (2010-14) — Dodgers, Cardinals, Padres (AAA) stats

Jamie Liebowitz, OF (2013) — (Ind) stats

Lenny Linsky, RHP (2011-13) — Rays (A+) stats

Zach Mandelblatt, OF (2010-12) — (Ind) stats

Jack Marder, 2B/OF/C (2011-14) — Mariners (AA) stats

Jason Markovitz, LHP (2010-11) — Mariners (A+) stats

Jake Meskin, C (2011) — Astros (Rk) stats

Mike Meyers, OF/2B (2012-17) — Red Sox (AA) stats

Danny Moskovits, RHP/OF (2014-16, 18) — (Ind) stats

Troy Neiman, RHP (2013-17) — Rockies (AA) stats

R.C. Orlan, LHP (2013-19) — Nationals, Indians (AAA) stats

Mitchell Osnowitz, RHP (2014-22) — Braves, Red Sox, Cardinals, Twins, D’backs (AAA) stats

Tyger Pederson, 2B/3B/OF (2013-16) — Dodgers (Rk). Joc Pederson’s brother stats

Max Perlman, RHP (2011-13) — Athletics (AAA) stats

Andrew Pevsner, LHP (2010-12) — Dodgers (A) stats

Ross Pomerantz, LHP (2012) — (Ind) stats

Jeremy Rathjen, OF (2012-15) — Dodgers (AA) stats

Tim Remes, C/OF (2012-17) — Tigers (AA) stats

Nick Rickles, C (2011-13, 15-18) — Athletics, Nationals, Phillies (AAA) stats

Ben Ruff, RHP/2B (2014) — (Ind) stats

Jeremy Schaffer, 1B/C (2012-13) — Cardinals (A) stats

Jadd Schmeltzer, RHP (2011-15) — Red Sox (A) stats

Justin Schumer, RHP (2010-13) — Giants (AA) stats

Mike Schwartz, OF/1B (2010-17) — White Sox (Rk) stats

Cameron Selik, RHP (2010-13) — Nationals (AA) stats

Richard Seigel, OF/1B (2014-16) — (Ind) stats

Scott Silverstein, LHP (2013-15) — Blue Jays (A+) stats

Sammie Starr, INF (2010-14) — Orioles (AAA) stats

Jordan Stern, RHP (2011-12) — (Ind) stats

Richard Stock, C/1B (2012-17, 19) — Indians (A). Robert Stock’s brother stats

Jaxon Stone, 1B (2014) — Braves (A)

Zach Thornton, RHP (2010-17) — Athletics, Pirates, Mets (AAA) stats

Maxx Tissenbaum, 2B/3B/C (2012-18) — Padres, Rays, Marlins (A+) stats

Evan Turkish, OF/1B (2013) — (Ind) stats

Jeff Urlaub, RHP (2010-16) — Athletics (AAA) stats

Joey Wagman, RHP (2011-19) — Athletics (AA) stats

Jesse Weiss, 1B (2013) — Brewers (Rk) stats

Garrett Wittels, INF (2011-12) — Cardinals (AAA) stats

Brett Zaziski, 3B/1B/OF (2014-16) — (Ind) stats

Greg Zebrack, OF (2013-14) — Nationals (A) stats

Dan Zlotnick, LHP/OF (2013-14) — (Ind) stats


Sean Adler, LHP (2017-18) — Nationals (Rk) stats

Ariel Adut, OF (2015-16) — (Ind) stats

Jason Agresti, C/OF (2018-active) — (Ind) stats

Michael Barash (2016-18) — Angels (AAA) stats

Elliott Barzilli, 3B/1B/SS (2017) — Marlins (Rk) stats

Tyler Benson, OF/2B/1B (2017-19) — Padres (AA) stats

Hunter Bishop, OF (2019-active) — Giants (AA) stats

Ryan Blinderman, P/OF (2015) — (Ind) stats

Dalton Blumenfeld, 1B/OF (2015-17) — Angels (Rk) stats

Scott Burcham, INF (2015-active) — Rockies (AAA) stats

Justin Cohen, C/OF (2015-18) — Marlins (Rk) stats

Louis Cohen, LHP (2018) — (Ind) stats

Tyler Cohen, RHP/3B (2018) — Pirates (Rk) stats

Gabe Cramer, RHP (2015-17) — Royals (A+) stats

Sam Delaplane, RHP (2017-19, 22-23) — Mariners, Giants (AAA) stats

Jonathan de Marte, RHP/3B/1B (2017-20) — (Ind) stats

Jared DiCesare, RHP (2019) — Blue Jays (A-) stats

Jake Drossner, LHP (2015-17) — Brewers (A) stats

Keith Ezersky, C (2017-18) — (Ind) stats

Alex Fishberg, RHP (2016-22) — (Ind) stats

Justin Friedman, RHP (2019) — White Sox (Rk) stats

Garrett Gemgnani, DH (2016) — (Ind) stats

Josh Glick, RHP (2017-19) — (Ind) stats

Brandon Gold, RHP/3B/1B (2016-22) — Rockies (AAA) stats

Ryan Gold, C/1B (2016-22) — Blue Jays (AA) stats

Sam Goldberg, OF/2B (2019) — (Ind) stats

Jakob Goldfarb, OF/C (2019-active) — White Sox, Diamondbacks, Pirates (A) stats

Jason Goldstein, C/OF (2016-18) — Mariners, Athletics (AAA) stats

Matthew Gorst, RHP (2016-20) — Red Sox (AAA) stats

Preston Grand Pre, INF (2017-18) — Dodgers (Rk) stats

Ben Gross, RHP (2019-active) — Twins (AA) stats

Zane Gurwitz, 3B/OF/2B (2017-22) — Angels (AA) stats

Sam Hellinger, RHP (2016-22) — Rangers, Reds (A+) stats

Alex House, RHP (2017-19) — Astros (A) stats

Marc Huberman, LHP (2016-18) — Cubs (A+) stats

Raul Jacobson, RHP (2015-16) — Mets (A) stats

Alex Katz, LHP (2015-active) — White Sox, Orioles, Cubs (AA) stats

Ari Kaufman, LHP (2016-22) — (Ind) stats

Zack Kone, INF (2018-22) — Pirates, Marlins (AAA) stats

Kenny Koplove, RHP/SS (2015-19) — Phillies, Marlins, Rockies (AAA). Mike Koplove’s brother stats

Mitchell Kranson, C/3B/1B (2016-19) — Twins (AA) stats

Tyler Krieger, 2B/SS/LF (2016-22) — Indians, Braves (AAA) stats

Spencer Kulman, RHP (2017-18) — Padres (A) stats

Max Lazar, RHP (2017-19, 22-active) — Brewers (AA) stats

Greg Leban, RHP (2019-21) — Braves (Rk) stats

Zack Leban, RHP (2018-23) — Marlins (AAA) stats

Robert Maislin, RHP/OF (2018-19) — (Ind) stats

Scott Manea, C (2016-19) — Mets, Astros (A+) stats

Jake Miednik, LHP (2018-active) — Indians, Mariners (AA) stats

Zack Miednik, LHP (2021-22) — (Ind) stats

Ross Mintzer, RHP (2019-21) — (Ind) stats

Robb Paller, OF/2B (2016-18, 21-active) — (Ind) stats

Steve Pollakov, C (2016-17) — White Sox (Rk) stats

Zach Racusin, OF (2017-active) — (Ind) stats

Jason Richman, LHP (2015-18) — Rangers, Dodgers (AAA) stats

Ryan Rinsky, C (2017-19) — (Ind) stats

Andy Rohloff, RHP (2017-19) — Giants (A) stats

Simon Rosenblum-Larson, RHP (2018-21) — Rays (AA) stats

Alexander Rubanowitz, INF (2016) — (Ind) stats

Kyle Ruchim, OF/RHP (2015-17) — White Sox (A) stats

Jordan Scheftz, RHP (2017-19) — Indians (A) stats

Jake Scheiner, 1B/3B/LF (2017-active) — Phillies, Mariners (AAA) stats

Brett Schneider, RHP (2018-22) — (Ind) stats

Zach Schneider, RHP (2019, 21-active) — Red Sox (Rk) stats

Max Schonfeld, RHP (2015-16) — (Ind) stats

Colby Schultz, SS/OF/2B (2018-19) — Royals (A+) stats

Alex Segal, LHP (2019) — Braves (Rk) stats

Harrison Shapiro, RHP (2016-17) — (Ind) stats

Josh Shapiro, LHP (2019, 2023) — Brewers (A) stats

D.J. Sharabi, RHP (2016-active) — (Ind) stats

Mike Skoller, 2B/SS/OF (2016) — (Ind) stats

Adam Sonabend, C (2015-17) — Giants (AA) stats

Adrian Spitz, OF (2017-18) — Athletics (A) stats

Mike Spooner, OF/1B (2018-19) — Reds (A) stats

Chase Strumpf, INF (2019-active) — Cubs (AAA) stats

C.J. Stubbs, C (2019-active) — Astros (AA) Garrett Stubbs’ brother stats

Jake Thomas, OF (2015-17) — Blue Jays (AA) stats

David Vinsky, OF/1B (2019-active) — Cardinals (AA) stats

Adam Walton, INF (2015-18) — Diamondbacks (A+) stats

Keith Weisenberg, RHP (2017-19) — Braves, Giants (A+) stats

Albee Weiss, 1B/OF (2018-19) — Twins (A+) stats

Todd Weiss, OF (2018-19) — (Ind) stats

Keaton Weisz, INF (2019-20) — Angels (AA) stats

Michael Wielansky, INF (2018-active) — Astros (AAA) stats

Rhett Wiseman, OF (2015-19, 2021) — Nationals (AA) stats

Jeremy Wolf, OF/1B (2016-17) — Mets (A) stats

Josh Wolf, RHP (2019-active) — Mets, Guardians (A+) stats

Matt Woods, OF/RHP (2019) — Angels (Rk) stats

Jordan Yallen, OF (2015-17) — White Sox (Rk) stats

Andy Yerzy, C/1B (2016-active) — Diamondbacks, Reds (AAA) stats


Justin Alintoff, RHP (2022-active) — (Ind) stats

Chandler Brierly, LHP (2021-active) 00 (Ind) stats

Eric Brodkowitz, RHP (2021) — (Ind) stats

Harrison Cohen, RHP (2023-active) — Yankees (AA) stats

Aaron Cohn, RHP (2021-active) — Athletics (A) stats

Aaron Davenport, RGP (2021-active) — Guardians (A+) stats

Jordan Dissin, C/LF (2022-active) — Phillies (A) stats

Mikey Edelman, OF (2022-active) — (Ind) stats

Eric Ezersky, RHP (2020, 22-active) — (Ind) stats

Daniel Federman, RHP (2021-active) — Orioles (A+) stats

Matt Feinstein, OF (2020-active) — (Ind) stats

Graham Firoved, RHP (2022-active) — Orioles (A+) statsJack Fox, RHP/OF (2021-active) — (Ind) stats

Jake Gelof, 3B (2023-active) — Dodgers (A) stats

Nathan Gilman, RHP (2022) — (Ind) stats

Jake Gitter, OF (2022-active) — (Ind) stats

Aaron Glickstein, RHP (2021-active) — (Ind) stats

Shawn Goosenberg, 3B/SS/OF (2021-active) — White Sox (AA) stats

Colton Gordon, LHP (2022-active) — Astros (AAA) stats

Tanner Jacobson, RHP (2022-active) — Cardinals (A) stats

Austin Kaplan, RHP, INF (2022-active) — (Ind) stats

Adam Kerner, C/OF (2021-22) — Padres (AAA) stats

Will King, C (2023-active) — Braves (A+) stats

Evan Kravetz, LHP (2021-active) — Reds (AAA) stats

Zach Levenson, OF (2023-active) — Cardinals (A) stats

Noah Mendlinger, INF (2021-active) — Cardinals (AA) stats

Kyle Molnar, RHP (2021-22) — Angels (AA) stats

Leo Nierenberg, RHP (2023) — Reds (Rk) stats

Eric Reyzelman, RHP (2022-active) — Yankees (A) stats

Mike Rothenberg, C/1B (2021-active) — Tigers (A+) stats

R.J. Schreck, OF (2023-active) — Mariners (A) stats

Alex Segal, LHP (2022-active) — Braves (AA) stats

Ben Simon, RHP (2023-active) — Mets (A) stats

Jacob Steinmetz, RHP (2021-active) — Diamondbacks (A) stats

Ethan Stern, 2B/SS (2022) — (Ind) stats

Jake Suddleson, OF (2021-22) — A’s (AA) stats

Max Tannenbaum, RHP (2020-active) — (Ind) stats

Ben Wanger, 1B/LHP (2021-22) — (Ind) stats

Jack Weinberger, RHP (2020-active) — (Ind) stats


Bea Chester, INF  (1943-44) — stats

Thelma “Tiby” Eisen, OF (1944-52) — stats

Anita Foss, 2B/RHP (1948-49) — stats

Blanche Schachter, C (1949) — stats

Did You Know?

Pitcher Hal Saltzman made the Cleveland Indians’ Opening Day roster in 1950, but was returned to San Diego of the Pacific Coast League a day later and never appeared in a major-league game. Pitcher Jake Levy was called up by the New York Giants in 1927 and 1928 but did not appear in a game.